Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Mollie Kate Pinkston finally arrived on May 7th weighing 7lbs 12oz and 19 1/4 inches long. We are so happy she is finally here, and although she is now 4months old, seems like yesterday we brought her home! She will truly be spoiled by ALL her mommies!


My new Minnie Mouse shirt!

I built a Tower Mommy!

Black icing from cake!

Catching up with the year!

So when you have a house full of little girls, x4 you seem to forget to update everything. Since the llast post, we've added to our girl clan and started school! Here's a few catch up photos! Easter brought a new pet for all 3 girls..CHICKS! They played with them everyday until it was time to pass them along to someone who had room for them to roam outside a box.


Although it's been a long time since our last update, we shall keep it up with the current season and share our spring ventures. Savannah is now 6, Jenna Leigh is now 2, and we LOVE to hang outside and enjoy the sunshine. Now if only baby Mollie would arrive and I would feel more up to enjoying the springy outside things:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Snow Days

We all enjoyed playing in the snow, and Savannah and Brianna enjoyed being angels in the nativity at church :)

Playing Catchup

It has been a full year since I posted to our blog, and as a New Years Resolution, I will try to be more diligent in keeping this updated as this will sometimes be our only scrapbooking effort. (Paper scrapbooks are much more time consuming:)
Alot has happened since I last posted, the girls have grown up, Savannah has started kindergarten, Jenna Leigh has sprouted hair, and we are expecting our FOURTH Girl in May, maybe sooner!
I will post pictures soon of the girls thus far, and won't let so much time pass by before I add more!