Wednesday, September 26, 2007


FIVE THINGS...I was doing 5 years ago...

*Graduating college
*Planning my wedding(not easy to do when you're in school)
*Working part time as a customer service rep for credit cards
*Driving to Knoxville every other weekend to be with my soon to be husband
*Stressing out over work, school, and wedding!!

On my list today...
*Cleaning the refrigerator (DONE YEAHHHHHHHH)

*Play, play, play with the girls
*Make a new to do/cleaning list for myself
*Read book for class I'm taking (to renew my teaching license)
*Line my kitchen cabinets with contact paper (won't get done today:()))

You'll never wear again...
*Wedding dress (I've got the mate for life :))

*Lime green shorts, orange top, pink shoes (got called a canteloupe...bad school experience :))
*HUGE GLASSES...they were my first pair..who knew they were soooooooo out of style!!
*Banana clip (it was cool while it lasted!)

*Fanny Pack

Bad Habits...
*Major sweet tooth! (me too Tara!)
*Staying up too late when Eric's on night shift
*Procrastinating. (me too Tara!)

*Staying in PJ's too long..Who wants to get dressed when u could be spit up or pooped on at any given time?? :)
*Letting car get tooooooooooooo dirty

Songs I know the lyrics to...
"Amazed" Lonestar (Hey I can play this on my flute too :)
"Old Mc Donald" and other nursery rhymes..that's all I get to sing these Days!!
"I am a Child of God" Hymn (only one I know w/o looking at the words!)
"Beautiful Girl" (mr. hollands opus, not sure who wrote this)
"Jesus Take the Wheel" Carrie Underwood

And now, "Tag! You're it..."

Kelly Lucarelli

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