Thursday, November 8, 2007

~Brianna the taste tester~

Mr. Leopard on the Saucer seems pretty tasty. Maybe it's the "purpleness" that makes it so attractive! In fact, he was snapped right out of his spot in order to get the full effect by the taste tester!

Jif is the best..Guess she wants to know for sure!
Now this doesn't taste the same as what's inside!?!

Brianna has defined herself in a personality all her own already. She is just as curious as Savannah...only instead of asking who people are, and who is on the phone, Brianna wants to know how everything TASTES!!

1 comment:

Tara Williams said...

How funny!! When Brooklynn was that age, she loved the taste of people!! She would want to lick, suck and chomp on everyone's chin. It was super cute until she started teething!!! :~)