Sunday, December 21, 2008


For those of you who don't know that we have another addition coming in 2009, it is confirmed as another girl! When we had the Ultrasound, the techinician said that the saying goes that only real men have daughters, so I guess we have a real man in the house! :)

Merry Christmas!

Savannah is always cooperative when mommy wants to take pictures..Brianna on the other hand is not so willing to stop what she's doing for a photo shoot. We had to bribe her with a "pop" (lollipop) to keep the Santa hat on even for a minute. We even conned (spelling??) Neyland into cooperating..only with a biscuit bribe of course!

Christmas in Ohio

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Ohio to celebrate Christmas with them. Although it was much colder than we prefer, it was great to spend time with everyone..the girls even got to see the snow before it melted!

Brianna will have nothing to do with Santa Claus face to face..she just prefers to talk about him behind his back..hahah
Chillin on the couch eating oranges with Grandpa..this was after 10pm and Brianna was determined not to go to sleep..Grandpa feeding her oranges didn't help either :)

Brianna now has her own "bike" to ride when Savannah is riding hers. No more attempts at crawling on top of Savannah's bike which is an accident waiting to happen!

The hit of the party was the elephant and pig..they play music when you push the was the only thing that saved us on our long ride home!
Brianna is talking to the pig..."hey pig" is what we heard for the next day or two.

Brianna wasn't sure what to was her first time seeing snow.

Daddy forgot Savannah's snow boots so we had to make our own protective covers with plastic bags! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Treat!

This year Savannah decided to be Hannah Montana and was so excited to wear mommy's makeup! It was once again a homemade costume as I sewed fringes on the jacket by hand..time for a sewing machine ! :) Brianna loved getting "pops" (lollipops) and only kept her costume on to get more. WHen we got home from tricker treating however, she wanted to ditch her costume and eat candy in style! (her preference..NAKED)

Playroom/Savannah's Room

Finally I have finished the "used to be playroom" that has now been converted into SAvannah's room to make way and room for the new baby. It has taken me forever to finally get the room painted and SAvannah loves sleeping in the ocean! Although it was very time consuming, it was totally worth it to see the finished product that I myself have created!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We went to the pumpkin patch and got to feed goats, pick our very own pumpkin AND pick an apple from an apple tree. We even got Apple Cider and a coloring book when we were done. Fun was had by all especially the hayride to the pumpkin patch and goats. Brianna wanted to stand up w/o our assitance (which we did not let her do!) She kept saying "stand up, self" in an effort to get what she wanted.

Showing off pumpkin shirts from Grandma in Ohio.

Birds, Birds, More Birds!!

The girls absolutely LOVED feeding hot dogs to the herons in grandmas backyard. It was a morning, afternoon, and evening ritual and whenever the girls were bored! Then we went to the pier when Nana, Papa, Samantha, Gary T. and Mary got to grandmas and they got to feed Pelicans!

Chilin on the recliner

Tarpon Springs, Florida Aquarium

In September, the girls and I went to visit Great Grandma in Florida and we found some things to do to pass our time. The girls were FASCINATED with all the fish and Savannah even wanted to get in the tank with them!

Savannah is the daring one..
Always ready to pose for a pic!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I have found a new snack that the girls love...good ole ice cream cones, made in the comfort of our home!