Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas in Ohio

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Ohio to celebrate Christmas with them. Although it was much colder than we prefer, it was great to spend time with everyone..the girls even got to see the snow before it melted!

Brianna will have nothing to do with Santa Claus face to face..she just prefers to talk about him behind his back..hahah
Chillin on the couch eating oranges with Grandpa..this was after 10pm and Brianna was determined not to go to sleep..Grandpa feeding her oranges didn't help either :)

Brianna now has her own "bike" to ride when Savannah is riding hers. No more attempts at crawling on top of Savannah's bike which is an accident waiting to happen!

The hit of the party was the elephant and pig..they play music when you push the was the only thing that saved us on our long ride home!
Brianna is talking to the pig..."hey pig" is what we heard for the next day or two.

Brianna wasn't sure what to was her first time seeing snow.

Daddy forgot Savannah's snow boots so we had to make our own protective covers with plastic bags! :)

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