Thursday, January 1, 2009

Picture Perfect

Daddy got a firepit from Grandpa and Grandma
for Christmas..the girls LOVE going outside
to see the fire..any chance to escape the winter blues!

We went to Nana and Papa's house after Christmas to visit Samantha and Mary.FINALLY Brianna allowed Samantha to hold her without putting up a fight saying "mommy" all the time! No we are not suffocating a baby..Mary sat on Elliot's lap while we put this napkin on her head..she actually liked it because she never cried, but just looked around. We were all amused..even Savannah thought it was funny!

Cute as a button! This is our
beloved Mary who was hiding
under the blanket..don't know
why she'd wanna hide these good looks!

Daddy's southern belle eating a moonpie.. orange too in support of the vols! :) Brianna thought the floor needed a little cleaning!

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